The 6th World Traditional Medicine Forum and World Federation of TCM Trade Services

Traditional Medicine: Inheritance & Innovation
November 15-17, 2024
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Prof. Dr. Ben Yeo LUC, GUC

MOH certified TCM Practitioner
MOH Certified Malay Medicine Practitioner

Reporting Topic
Body Pain and internal medical conditions caused by sacroiliac joint dysfunction
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is thought to contribute to lower back and leg pain. Leg pain can be particularly severe and may feel similar to pain caused by sciatica or a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. The sacroiliac joint is located next to the base of the spine, below the lumbar spine, and above the coccyx (tailbone). It connects the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine) to the pelvis (iliac crest). Joints typically have the following characteristics: small and strong, reinforced with strong ligaments around them without much movement, transferring all the force from the upper body to the pelvis (hips) and legs acting as a shock-absorbing structure. The most common symptoms in patients are low back pain and the following sensations in the lower extremities: pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, pelvic/buttock pain, buttock/groin pain, unsteady feeling in the legs (bending, giving in), restless sleep patterns, sitting posture Confusion (inability to sit for long periods of time, sitting on one side), pain from sitting to standing. Causes and Risk Factors Although it is not known exactly how the pain is caused, it is thought that changes in normal joint motion may be the culprit in sacroiliac joint pain. The source of this pain may be caused by any of the following: Excessive movement (hypermobility or instability) Pain usually occurs in the lower back and/or buttocks and may radiate to the groin area. In the case of having too little movement In daily life (i.e. lack of mobility or immobility): Pain usually occurs on one side of the lower back or hip and can radiate down the leg. The pain usually lasts above the knee, but sometimes the pain extends to the ankle or foot. This pain is similar to sciatica (or pain that radiates down the sciatic nerve) and is caused by radiculopathy. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction not only causes limb pain but also indirectly causes various internal medical illnesses. This special report is not a research report but a sharing based on my years of clinical experience. Through this presentation I hope to learn from experts and scholars with your kind feed back.

Zhu Lixin

Reporting Topic
The Essentials of Neigong Yijinjing Tuina
TCM Speciality Skill Neigong Yijinjing Tuina is a set of manipulative therapy techniques collate and summarize by the author during Covid-19 lockdown period, when the author unable to travel and socialize. The author has settled down and studied his past years of exercise and clinical experience, and also read through many academic thesis and articles, and finally concluded and finalized this set of manipulation techniques. Neigong Yijinjing Tuina was first launched in Singapore in 2021, and a total of six training courses were held. Through the joint discussion and improvement of core students, the technique was finally summarized. Through the clinical application of the author and several students, it was found that it has good curative effect, high safety, easy to learn and master. We have now summarized our clinical experience of this Neigong Yijinjing Tuina into this paper, and hope to promote it to more people.

Tiejun Tang

United Kingdom
Reporting Topic
Common precancerous lesions and TCM treatment in the UK
Cancer is the main killer that endangers human health. Cancer does not occur suddenly. Most cancers evolve gradually based on precancerous lesions. Timely detection of precancerous lesions and active treatment of precancerous lesions can block their development into cancer. Traditional Chinese medicine has unique therapeutic effects on various types of precancerous lesions. This study made a detailed summary of the experience of treating precancerous lesions with traditional Chinese medicine.

Reginaldo Filho

President of Faculdade EBRAMEC
Reporting Topic
One Needle Therapy for Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is a common clinical complaint which impairs daily life activities and also worsens quality of life, affecting people from all ages with a higher prevalence on people over 50 years. Acupuncture is an effective and proven treatment for different kinds of pain and throughout the history different methods have been applied for the treatment of shoulder pain. Very few studies have been conducted with a Brazilian population which might have specific characteristics.

Benjamin WU

Reporting Topic
Skillful Use of Acupuncture Manipulation Techniques as an Important Means to Improve Clinical Efficacy
Wu Binjiang, Professor, R.TCMP, Ph.D. Supervisor, President of Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Vice President of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Vice President of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, Chairman of the Board of TCM Acupuncture Inheritance Committees of WFAS, Vice president of the Educational Instruction Committee of WFCMS. Professor Wu was a former disciple of world-renowned acupuncture expert Wang Xuetai, TCM Qigong expert Jiao Guorui, and the representative inheritor of Intangible Cultural Heritage TCM Acupuncture, Professor Zhang Jin. Professor Wu has laid his main research in the field of acupuncture techniques, Qigong, insomnia, uterine blood, infertility, and mental illness; he had conducted in-depth research in the development strategy for TCM overseas and TCM education. Professor Wu is the associate editor of the second edition of《针灸大成校释》Zhen Jiu Da Cheng Jiao Shi and had published more than 300 academic articles. Professor Wu invented a unique TCM Tuina massage method named Wu’s Head Massage; this massage method has become more and more popular in the TCM industry and Professor Wu’s book Wu’s Head Massage has been published in English, Chinese, Hungarian, and French.

Dr Jack Fu

Tai Chi Martial Arts Doctor—Founder of Emei “Qi Acupuncture”
President of the American Institute of Martial Arts and Integrative Medicine

Reporting Topic
Qi Acupuncture" Practice and Treatment Combination, Quick Pain Relief and Tai Chi Fasting Health
Abstract: Qi acupuncture is a new method of practice and treatment combination to treat pain and other diseases with or without needles. Head, neck, shoulders, waist, legs, knees, ankles, feet pain in each part within 3 minutes to open the Qi points, immediate pain relief method. Understand what Qi is, how to manipulate Qi to immediately help body pain, the rules and positions of Qi points in various parts, how to use the least painful method to treat pain. Practice Tai Chi Qigong to strengthen your body, the world champion teaches you authentic Yang Tai Chi, let you know what Tai Chi internal strength is, how to practice, how to use Introduce fasting health, how to quickly and thoroughly detoxify and lose weight, let all the functions of the body restart, at least how to lose weight immediately without hunger and pain.

Guojian Huang

President of alliance of acupuncture and chinese medicine of Canada
Reporting Topic
The most effective solution for soft tissue pain by Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy
The Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy is developed based on traditional acupotomy techniques. It targets superficial fascial nodules, muscle trigger points, and adherent scar tissue to treat various soft tissue injuries, pain, nerve entrapment, and functional disorders. It is a safe and effective minimally invasive therapy. Guided by theories like abnormal tension, adhesion scar theory, trigger point theory, and three-dimensional meridian theory integrating both Chinese and Western medicine, it explains pain development, tension origin and transmission. By shallow needling to treat deep pain, it restores tension balance, eliminates inflammation, improves blood circulation, quickly relieves pain and nerve entrapment, achieving miraculous immediate and long-term effects.

Yu Funian

Chief Physician、Professor
Reporting Topic
Reflections On The Inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine
This article summarizes the current situation of overseas TCM transmission. Although the development momentum is good and Chinese traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have made great achievements in their staying countries, it is also worrying that as time goes by, these Chinese traditional Chinese medicine practitioners will withdraw from the stage. For various reasons, today's young and middle-aged traditional Chinese medicine practitioners do not have high aspirations to develop abroad. , so talents can only be cultivated locally. However, the policies of countries around the world are different, and the requirements of traditional Chinese medicine are also different, so the level of TCM is also very different. In view of this, the author put forward suggestions for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine and discussed them with colleagues.

Chan Yuk Wah

International Tuina & Manipulative Medical Association Limited

Reporting Topic
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treats Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease in which patients experience itching, burning sensation, or dry and cracked skin, with flakes falling off like snowflakes. Although psoriasis is not an infectious disease, it can affect appearance and quality of life, and may cause psychological stress and social distress. Although there is currently no cure, the condition can be effectively controlled through drug treatment. With the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, the chance of recurring attacks is reduced, effectively alleviating the patient's condition. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that psoriasis is mainly caused by blood heat, blood stasis or blood deficiency and wind-dryness. The patient has internal heat accumulation that causes blood heat and blood dryness. Blood heat causes wind or blood stasis blocks the meridians, which causes skin rashes when it occurs on the skin. Insufficient blood nutrition leads to blood deficiency that is not enough to moisturize the skin surface, transforming dryness and causing wind. It will cause dryness and itching, resulting in skin scales. Based on clinical experience, when combined with traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, the use of rattan Chinese medicinal materials can have a positive effect on the patient's condition.

Zheng Jian Hua

Vice President
Reporting Topic
The clinical characteristics and diagnosis and treatment methods of TCM “heat junction bypass flow”
Through the diagnosis and treatment process of a typical case, the author expounds the clinical characteristics and diagnosis and treatment methods of TCM “heat junction bypass flow”, especially the importance of clear diagnosis for clinical treatment.

Shao Lizhu

Professional Manipulative Therapist Association of Singapore、
Dean Of Singapore World Health Management Institute

Reporting Topic
Summary of Clinical Experience in Bone Setting Therapy
Bone Setting Therapy is an important branch of the Tuina school of traditional Chinese medicine, which is mainly a technique to treat the bone injury of human Musculoskeletal system. Widely used in clinical, with a long history, numerous schools, diverse technologies, clinical efficacy is significant, is one of the most widely spread schools of Tuina. Modern Bone Setting massage, in addition to the treatment of bone fracture and dislocation, is also widely used in the clinical treatment of joint subluxation. Subluxation of joint also name as "bone in wrong position". "Bone in wrong position" (Joint Subluxation) is common disease beside fracture and dislocation in daily clinical practice. The author studied the Bone-Setting Therapy, specifically for "Bone in wrong position" (Joint Subluxation).